Put a Face To Your Name with Expert Branding.
Branding is one of the most important aspects of a business. It creates an identity and personality for your company, which in turn allows you to stand out from the competition.
A well-thought-out branding strategy can help your company grow and become more profitable.
Branding and Logo Design Services

Logo Design
Logo design is the face of your company. It is what people see first and foremost when they come into contact with your company, it's a symbol of who you are as an organization or individual. A logo should be simple, memorable, and original. Your business name will often appear in the logo design but not always depending on the style of logo chosen. Your logo should be simple enough to print on your brochures, business cards, and other printed materials.
Logo Discovery
We'll gather some inspiration based on your vision so we can get a better feel of what you're going for. We'll put together a moodboard that will inspire you and give us a better idea of the colors, shapes, and symbols we should be using in your logo design.
Logo Concepts
Based on our moodboard and discovery, we'll create concepts for logos that will represent your company. We'll produce three concepts for you to choose from, depending on what style best represents your business. These will be presented in a way that you can easily pick which one you want to go forward with.
Logo Revisions
Each of our logo packages includes a certain number of revisions, should you need to use them. The revisions included in your package are at no additional cost. Should you need more than what is included, we will quote you a fairly-priced round of revisions. We'll make revisions based on your feedback and present the revisions in a way that it is easy to pick what you want.
Logo Deliverables
When you have picked the final version of your logo, we will provide you with the final deliverables for your logo. This includes any AI (Adobe Illustrator) Files, High-resolution PNGs in different sizes, Optimized JPGs in different sizes, and a logo usage sheet that will tell you what fonts and colors were used.

Brand Identity Design
Brand identity design is the overall experience you have with your company. It is a total package that includes the logo, colours, typography and brand guidelines. Brand identity design needs to be cohesive as it creates an emotional response from clients or customers over time.
Brand Name
Your brand name is as important as your logo design because it is what people will remember and associate with your company. A good name should be short, memorable but most importantly it must reflect the values of your organization.
Logo Design
Your logo design is the symbol of your business that will be on every business card, invoice, and website. A good logo design is timeless and should be appropriate for the audience you are trying to reach.
Logo Colors
Colors should be carefully chosen and match your name, industry, and target audience. A good color scheme is important because it will make the logo more recognizable and can show your company's personality.
Logo Typography
Good typography is essential to a good logo design. Choose a font that is easy to read and matches the style of your company's name, industry, and target audience. If your font is unreadable, your customers are going to have no idea what your business is called, so we make sure to choose fonts very carefully during the logo design process.
Brand Guidelines
A brand guide is a set of guidelines that are given to typographers and designers so they understand the look, feel and voice of your company. It should also include things like what colors you use or how best to display your logo on different media channels. Brand guides ensure consistency across all marketing materials which will increase customer satisfaction with their experience.

Brand Strategy
Your brand strategy should be carefully planned and should always be considered before launching any marketing campaigns. When formulating your strategies, you'll need to consider all aspects of your company and should also address things like what sets you apart from competitors or how to make customers fall in love with your business.
Brand Values
Your company's values are what set it apart from other businesses and they help guide the decisions that will shape its future. Brand values can't just change on a whim - they're one of the most important parts of defining who you are as a company so take time when crafting them together!
Brand Mission
A brand mission statement is an essential element for any successful branding project because it succinctly communicates who you are, why people care about your products/services, and where you stand in your marketplace. Your brand mission is your company's guiding light - it should be a verb and not just a noun or adjective.
Branding Strategy
A branding strategy contains all of the elements necessary to develop an effective identity for your business. It includes things like logo design, colors, fonts, etc., but also goes beyond those tangible aspects by including mission statements, values, etc. Your branding strategy will guide you through every project from beginning to end.
Brand Story
A brand story is an important tool for building trust with your audience, potential customers, and stakeholders; the best brands are able to tell their story in such a way that people feel like they know them personally. The key is weaving together events, milestones, and products into one cohesive narrative to help build relationships.
Brand Positioning
Brand positioning is another important factor in developing your brand. Positioning is about how you want to be viewed by customers and prospects with respect to competing brands. The best way to position a company is through its values, mission, story, and logo design- but it can also include things like marketing strategy and public relations tactics
Brand Messaging
Your brand messaging should be strategic and intentional. The more you can communicate the clear story of your brand, the better-prepared people will be to buy into it. This starts from day one when determining what values are most important to represent visually as well as verbally so that every decision has purposeful meaning behind it.

Rebranding Strategy
Beyond the tangible aspects of branding outlined above, the rebranding process will require some forethought on how you are going to go about communicating these changes internally as well as externally. There are many considerations that need to be made during this phase including a communications plan for internal employees; a communications plan for external stakeholders (employees/clients); new signage or other typeface requirements throughout office space. You'll need to recraft your company's mission statement, re-tell your company story, and develop new branding guidelines.
Rebranded Name
If you didn't get your name right the first time, you'll want to take some extra time when coming up with a rebranded business name. . This is your company's public identity, and the name should be carefully selected.
Your new business name will go a long way in defining what type of experience consumers can expect from you.
Rebranded Logo
Rebranded Logo Design
It may seem like overkill at first glance but updating or overhauling your logo during this phase has two distinct advantages: It reflects the changes that have been made, and it provides a fresh start with regard to how people perceive you.
Rebranded Colors
& Typography
Rebranded Colors and Typography
Take care when selecting a new color palette to match your new branding. Subtle changes in color can provide a completely different feel and tone for the brand, so take time to consider your options carefully before deciding on one.
The font you use will also be integral to how people perceive your rebranded business name (and thus what they expect from it). Don't forget that this is an important factor when considering all of the moving parts involved with this phase of rebranding!
Rebranded Values, Mission, Story, Positioning, and Messaging
The root of a successful rebranding is strong brand values, story, positioning, and messaging that both resonate with current customers while also attracting future ones. It's important to take into account the different audiences you want to reach when developing a message about what makes your business compelling—what are its core values? What does it do differently than competitors or other brands in the same category? How can people benefit from doing/using something they traditionally would not have done before because of this business? This exercise may require some research on who exactly comprises these groups (demographic profiles) so as to tailor messages for them accordingly.
Rebranded Guidelines
Once you have all of the other elements of your rebrand fleshed out, you need to recreate a new brand style guide to direct your employees on how to use these new elements. This should include brand colors, typefaces, and logo usage guidelines as well as explanations of the meaning behind some of the company's more abstract principles (such as a particular value or belief).
Branding products is the process of creating logos, marketing materials and other collateral that effectively communicate the company's products. Good product branding can be the difference in whether your consumers buy your product on the shelf versus the competing products.
Ingredient Branding
Branding ingredients is usually done by identifying which unique components make up that ingredient and then finding words that represent those qualities when describing them for your customers. For example Organic cocoa powder from Ecuador with low-fat content. Another example of this is cruelty-free or vegan products, where the ingredients are free from any animal products.

Digital & Physical Stationary
We offer digital and physical stationary design for your business to further the consistency of your brand with customers who have signed on with you. We can also design logos for your individual brands, if you so choose.
Business Card
Business Card Design
What you say about yourself on paper is just as important as what you say about yourself when speaking with someone face-to-face! Your business card should reflect who you are, what services or products that you offer, and how to find more information about them from the person viewing it. When designing a business card, you want to make sure you design something that someone would keep in their wallet rather than throwing it away.
Letterhead Design
Your letterhead should be brand-defining, making it clear that the person or company who wrote you this letter is someone of importance to your business. Letterheads are often used for official letters and documents from businesses to clients. They might include a logo with contact information on them as well as an address where you can find more about their services/products.
Invoice Design
An invoice is typically a professional way of stating charges for products or services rendered. An invoice design is important because it makes the customer feel more secure and that this invoice officially came from your business.
Estimate Design
When providing a quote or estimate to a potential customer it is always good to further engrain your brand into their brains with a branded quote or estimate design. This will remind them down the line if they do decide to go with someone elsewhere this estimate came from, and they may even come back!
Proposal Design
A proposal is a formal, professional document that outlines what the project will entail and why you would be the best company to handle it. A proposal design is important because this way when they read over your contents more closely they can get a better sense of who you are without having to click on any links.
Contract Design
A contract is an agreement between two parties outlining their responsibilities in detail before moving forward with work or services rendered. It's even more important for contracts if one side doesn't adhere well (therefore holding up production) since those details have been put down prior to completing them so everyone knows where they stand legally. It's good to have this branded so people know you are serious about your business and this contract is as it stands.
Disclaimer: HG Creative CO. cannot give legal advice and/or write up legal contracts. We solely design the look and feel of a contract. Contract copy must be provided by a legal professional.

Brand Research
Brand research is the backbone of your branding and it's crucial you have the right tools to get this done. There is a lot of information that needs to go into your brand research including company history, past customer feedback, current trends in the industry as well as any other details that may be required by your field or sector.
Competitor Research
Competitor research is crucial to your business so that you can best determine the most effective ways to beat out the competition. It's something that should be done regularly as it will allow you to stay up-to-date on your competitors - their strengths, weaknesses, what they're doing well, and how you can do better.
Marketplace Research
Marketplace research is also important in order to understand your customer or client base. This can help you better refine the messaging and branding of your company, leading to more effective communication with those individuals who will be buying from you.
Buyer Persona
Your buyer persona will be the target customer you have in mind when designing your company and marketing materials. It's important to keep in mind that there are many buyers, so you'll need to create personas for each target market segment or niche audience.